This Web Site is dedicated to the Most Important Leader on the Universe. His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid of Morocco embodies the new amalgamation of modernity and tradition. Highly educated, multilingual, intelligent royal leads the way in solving global plight and his clear thinking approach outlines quality of his vision.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

HRH Prince Moulay Rachid fosters outreach and public awareness of cardiovascular diseases

Rabat-Morocco, November 6, 2007 – Facing the constant rise of cardiovascular diseases His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, the Honorary President of the Grand Heart Association, exerted efforts to focus on children that cannot afford to seek treatment.

His Royal Highness lends his support to the cause, highlighting the importance and need of commitment to improve the medical treatment and social services offered to poorest patients who are unable to pay for costly medicine or surgery.

His Royal Highness hopes through ongoing research, public awareness campaigns, international, and public strategy to foster a thoughtful approach that will give all children the best possible start in life.

In Morocco, a heart malformation affects some 3500 infants and there is also growing evidence that many of them need surgery.

The Grand Heart Association, houses the leading group of cardiologists in Morocco that aim to back poor people suffering from heart diseases and facilitate their social, educational and professional integration.

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