This Web Site is dedicated to the Most Important Leader on the Universe. His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid of Morocco embodies the new amalgamation of modernity and tradition. Highly educated, multilingual, intelligent royal leads the way in solving global plight and his clear thinking approach outlines quality of his vision.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Le prince héritier du Maroc affirme que la question palestinienne reste au centre des intérêts du Maroc

Damas, 30/8/08 - Le Prince héritier du Maroc, Moulay Rachid, a affirmé que la question palestinienne restait au centre des intérêts du Maroc, affirmant que son pays trouve en l'initiative arabe de paix une option réaliste mais que les Arabes auraient à prendre les choses en main et à proclamer non pas seulement leur désir sincère de la paix mais encore la résolution de cesser d'attendre des solutions qui viendraient ou non.

Dans un communiqué distribué à la séance finale du sommet de Damas, réunie dans la matinée, Moulay Rachid a proclamé l'appui du Maroc aux efforts en faveur d'une solution consensuelle au Liban et affirmé la nécessité de la récupération par l'Irak de sa souveraineté complète sur son territoire et de conserver son unité terre et peuple, et de la fin du cycle de violence et de destruction dans ce pays.

Le communiqué affirme également l'appui du Maroc au processus de paix, d'entente et d'unité au Soudan, en Somalie et aux Iles Comores et son attachement à la conservation de la souveraineté et de l'unité territoriale et nationale de tous les pays arabes qu'il invite à surmonter les divergences et les discordes circonstanciels.

Moualy Rachid affirme que son pays poursuivrait sa contribution à toutes les initiatives destinées à établir une association arabe et à développer les mécanismes de l'action arabe commune, ainsi qu'à un ordre actif et renouvelable qui assurera les conditions pour une coopération interarabe, pour l'encouragement de l'investissement et la réhabilitation de l'économie et de l'homme arabes.

Le Prince héritier du Maroc a salué la Syrie pour sa bonne organisation du sommet, affirmant que son pays ressent la fierté de l'état des relations fraternelles sincères liant les deux pays et de leur appui commun aux justes causes de la nation et leur défense de la souveraineté et de l'unité nationale de nos pays.

Il a appelé à la conjugaison des efforts arabes pour affronter les grands défis que la nation affronte, rappelant que les divergences ne servent que l'intérêt des ennemis.

HRH Crown Prince Moulay Rachid confers with Saudis counterpart

Agadir, April 2, 2008 --- His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid received on Monday evening Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz, the Deputy Premier, Defense and Aviation Minister and Inspector General.

The meeting between Crown Princes dealt with the bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries and means of developing them in all domains.

Diplomatic savvy Moulay Rachid exuded with a charismatic sophistication as He and Saudi’s Crown Prince inspected the troops gathered for royal honor.

The 37-year-old royal, who is Morocco’s leading diplomat, persists to make a significant contribution strengthening cooperation at bilateral, regional and international levels.

HRH Crown Prince Moulay Rachid's crowning achievements

Damascus, March 31, 2008 – His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid paid a highly successful official state visit to Syria with a mission to strengthen fraternal ties and pursue peace development process in the Middle East.

With his extraordinary diplomatic elegance and intellectual depth, His Royal Highness used successfully international action at the 20th Arab Summit conference in fostering open communication among Arab states and reiterated His permanent stance in support of a comprehensive peace process in the region in accordance with the international resolutions.

Thanks to His remarkable leadership skills, His Royal Highness headed his country's delegation to the Arab summit, changing existing standing in the world community, which was very doubtful about any success taking place in the summit.

Any words of thanks for His Royal Highness remarkable contributions to the 20th Arab Summit seem wholly inadequate.

HRH Crown Prince Moulay Rachid winds up visit to Syria

Damascus, March 30, 2008 - His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid concluded his two-day official visit to the Republic of Syria, after leading his country’s delegation to the Arab Summit.

Syrian president, chairman of this year's summit, Bashar aL-Assad, said in a concluding communiqué, that the Arab states remain committed to the Arab peace initiative, drafted in 2002's Beirut summit meeting.

The Arab peace initiative of 2002 offers Israel peace and normal relations with all Arab countries in return for withdrawal from all territory captured in the 1967 war.

"The continuation by the Arab side to present the Arab peace initiative is tied to Israel executing its commitments in the framework of international resolutions to achieve peace in the region," a Damascus Declaration said.

The statement, read by Arab League chief Amr Moussa, added: "The Arab states decided to evaluate and review Arab strategies and the plan of action regarding reviving the peace process as a prelude to decide on next Arab moves."

This year's summit comes on the heels of several outstanding Arab issues, including the latest Lebanese crisis, the Iraqi volatile situation and the Sudanese Darfor tragedy.

Since 2000, following the outbreak of the second Palestinian uprising, the Arab states began to hold a regular yearly summit to follow up on Arab concerns. This March’s Summit is the twentieth over the past six decades.

HRH Crown Prince Moulay Rachid fosters spirit of excellence in bilateral cooperation

Damascus, March 30, 2008 - His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid met today with President of the Comoros Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi, on the sidelines of the 20th Arab Summit in Damascus, Syria.

Among the issues discussed during the meeting were ways to further strengthen and review bilateral relations and means to boost cooperation between the two countries in the various fields as well as issues of mutual concern.

The two leaders also discussed topics on the Arab summit's agenda and peace efforts aimed at ending the crippling deadlock in Middle East.

His Royal Highness, who heads his country's delegation to the Arab summit, stressed the importance of cooperation among Arab countries to implement the road map to pave the way for a comprehensive peace in the Middle East.

The 20th Arab summit conference is taking the place from March 29th to 30th in Damascus, Syria.

HRH Crown Prince Moulay Rachid attends dinner banquet

Damascus, March 29, 2008 - His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid attended Saturday evening a dinner banquet hosted by Syrian President Bashar Assad in honour of Arab Delegates to the 20th Arab summit conference.

The 20th Arab Summit concluded its first day meetings Saturday during which the Kingdom of Morocco was led by His Royal Highness.

This year's summit comes on the heels of several enormous Arab issues, including the latest Lebanese crisis, the Iraqi volatile situation and the Sudanese Darfor disaster.