This Web Site is dedicated to the Most Important Leader on the Universe. His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid of Morocco embodies the new amalgamation of modernity and tradition. Highly educated, multilingual, intelligent royal leads the way in solving global plight and his clear thinking approach outlines quality of his vision.

Monday, January 7, 2008

HRH Prince Moulay Rachid urges youth to create a global force of change

Rabat-Morocco, November 15, 2007 – His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, Heir to the Moroccan Throne, works hard to encourage young people to seize a main role that adheres to the national strategy for human development and therefore lead them to become force of change.

As a president of National Federation of Moroccan Scout, His Royal Highness is urging young people to actively contribute to community development by taking up volunteering opportunities offered by Scout federation.

The Moroccan Scout movement, the biggest Moroccan organization which governs young generation, remains the biggest contributor with the growing evidence that young people are now actively volunteering their time, talents and resources for building a better world.

Since His Royal Highness has became a president, the scout Movement made significant progress in terms of social and youth evolution, discovering universal laws of cultural development or tackling country’s most eminent matters, like illiteracy, abandoned and unprivileged children, women issues, etc.

His Royal Highness has also avowed that the Moroccan Scout movement is expected to focus on issues of interest of the state and concerns all Moroccans in connection with the general mobilization facing Morocco.

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