Rabat, January 23, 2009 -- Expanding potential for people with vision loss, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid has commissioned the representatives working on behalf of blind and visually impaired to develop a concept for the progress of model for blind and visually impaired people in the Kingdom of Morocco.
Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, who works closely with many national and international organizations, including the Alaouite Organization of the Protection of Blind Moroccans, is devoted to improving the quality of life, equality of opportunity and independence of all people who have visual impairments.
With a long history of commitment to the advancement of policies and programs, Crown Prince Moulay Rachid has set out a map of conditions and opportunities, which will enhance independence for people who are blind and visually impaired, ensuring adherence of the expense norms and medicines for persons with disabilities.
Besides, Crown Prince Moulay Rachid emphasized that He will push for government’s involvement to organize a special protection system to encourage the activity of public organizations of people with vision loss, their establishments and allow no cases when they are deprived of living independently and productively.
Upon harmonization of protection for blind and visually impaired people legislation in compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Crown Prince Moulay Rachid noted that an explicit action plan need to put together a policy for bringing the current legislation to conformity with provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Broadening access to technology and promoting independent and healthy living for people with vision loss, Crown Prince Moulay Rachid provided last year adherence of these individuals’ needs while drafting and implementing projects on holding of the Foundation of Marrakech International Film Festival.
With the aim of providing visually impaired visitors with full partaking, the 8th edition of Marrakech International Film Festival made movies accessible for visually impaired people by using the "Audio Description, where the actor's voice describes each scene and is transmitted by headset.
Human rights advocacy communities applauded Crown Prince Moulay Rachid's first of its kind initiative and recognized Crown Prince Moulay Rachid's leadership in acknowledging the needs of blind citizens.
Prince Moulay Rachid of is a beloved royal who found success in people, a freind for youngs and an humanitarian.
Prince Moulay Rachid helps people to master change in their lives , he can see things from all sides, he provides a clear perspective and professional guidance that positively affected us and helped us to become more aware, more productive.
Adequate words to describe the kindness of Prince Moulay Rachid, he is thoughtful, gentle, and full of wonderful support and ideas, he has a heartwarming, supportive and a truly honest way of communicating with people.
Prince Moulay Rachid is very knowledgeable and motivating, he helped gain a great belief in our countyr.
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