Rabat, January 10, 2009 -- His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, President of National Federation of Moroccan Scouting, presented the Federation’s work program for 2009, seeking to develop, motivate and make possible the involvement of children and youth in sustainable development of the Kingdom of Morocco.
Continuing to take the initiative and go forward into the future, Crown Prince Moulay Rachid underlined that Morocco must respond to the challenge of urgency, with the aim of budding more successful tools to protect children and youth’s rights.
Under the banner of sustainable development principles, Crown Prince Moulay Rachid is looking for practical solutions to today's challenges with message of investment in education and skills, making the top priority of the Federation.
Encouraging all Scouts to match their pledges with concrete actions to achieve solid results, Crown Prince Moulay Rachid leads a global movement in which children and youth actively participate in all facets of human life activities to meet their own needs.
On the rights of the child, Crown Prince Moulay Rachid renewed His commitment to eradicate child poverty and safeguard the rights, with the reminder of everyone responsibility to listen to the voices of children.
Crown Prince Moulay Rachid also covered international affairs, addressing the importance to play role in the issues seeking ways to work more closely together, towards a more harmonious world.
1 comment:
you gave us hope in this life, and that things can change even in Morocco, we always are helping poors and unfortunate people and you make hope that everyone can be important persons if they have a lot of beautiful qualities, even the way we look at life, at possibilities, at choices changed in our minds , you becomes a role model and i feel that you made a lot of efforts to make us believe that change in Morocco is possible, you convices us that beautiful dreams can be reality.
because we love you prince and i believe that there are people of hope like you prince, one of the rare people who have a kind heart.
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