Looking back the past year on top of fruitful achievements of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid – Part 2
In July, in the course to voice His longstanding commitment to a strong strategic partnerships with Europe based on respect for all, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid voyaged to France and Spain.
In France, in the course of bringing fresh impetus to explore the prospects to bridge the North-South divide, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid and other 42 leaders from EU and North Africa forged the Union for Mediterranean, a new regional alliance, aiming at developing cooperation in the Mediterranean. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid acknowledged the Mediterranean Union as critical for the future of Europe and Mediterranean. While His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid encouraged regional cooperation and provided new momentum to peace efforts, the world has witnessed Morocco’s return to the international stage.
At the margins of the summit, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid also exchanged very open and honest discussions with the Mauritanian president Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh A bdallahi, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Prince Albert II of Monaco, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Qatar Emir Sheikh Hamad Ben Khalifa Al Thani, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on topics ranging from peace to bilateral cooperation and trade relations.
On July 14, France marked its National Day in Champs Elysées in the presence of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid. In 1999, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid and his dearly loved father King Hassan II were guests of honor of the very same event. This year, many leaders from Europe and Mediterranean, who were already in Paris for the establishment of the Union of the Mediterranean, attended the traditional military parade.
In Spain, unveiling plans for greater economic integration, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid journeyed to the northern city of Zaragoza where He inaugurated the Day of Morocco at World Expo 2008, an international exhibition on water and sustainable development. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid toured the Expo Zaragoza 2008, themed Water and Sustainable Development, after inaugurating the Moroccan pavilion. Referring to the theme of the Spanish Expo Water and Sustainable Development, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid stressed that all nations have an enduring obligation to sustainable development and must protect water sources as the one of the most essential element of human life. All over the place, large and enthusiastic crowds at EXPO Zaragoza were delighted to see His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid as they poured to shake hands with handsome Prince.
At home, promoting unity while greeting the shield of diversity, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, President of Moroccan Scouting Federation, inaugurated the peace-promoting project, the 3rd International Scout Friendship Meeting, held from July 10th to 25th 2008.
Continuing the progress made promoting the development and structuring of the cinematographic and audiovisual industries, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid hosted sponsorship of the MEDA Films Development (MFD) seminar series on July 28th-August 4th in Marrakech.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid also received on July 5th Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah.
In August, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid continued to preserve, strengthen and extend sport values and sport tourism by embracing several projects including ensuring that the Moroccan sporting shooter teams were present at the World Championship of Universal Trench in France.
On August 15th, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, President of National Federation of Moroccan Scouting, consented the opening of the 6th edition of the Tour of Morocco under theme "Morocco is a land of the wealth of cultural diversity ".
A commitment to broaden and reinforce focus on reduction and prevention of poverty and reaching an acceptable standard of living for all people in the Kingdom was also in front for His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid and Scouts in August.
Recalling past achievements, on August 20, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid marked the 55th anniversary of the Revolution of King and People - a milestone in the country's history that illustrates the heroic resist of the Alaouite Throne and Moroccan people against French occupation.
In September, a new school year and Ramadan were firmly in the mind of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid.
With the start of a new school year, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid sent a cable of greetings along with his best wishes of outstanding achievements, and most exciting and rewarding era at school to all students.
On September 2nd, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid commenced the beginning of Ramadan with re-launch of traditional Ramadan lectures.
In September, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid also pursued a heavy workload in Saudi Arabia during His a five-day state visit to the country. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid’s demand-responsive schedule involved a hectic schedule of bilateral meetings that offered Him an opportunity to explain Morocco's views and concerns on international issues. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid’s first meeting as scheduled took place on Monday (September 22, 2008) with several officials of Medina, after arriving to Saudi Arabia. Later on September 25, 2008 His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid held series of senior-level meetings, including with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid in addition attended the gracious Iftar banquet hosted by King Abdullah. Also the same day, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid held a briefing with the Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz, exchanging views and information on different issues and bilateral ties. In addition to a number of meetings with leaders of the Kingdom, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid paid a visit to the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. While in Saudi Arabia, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid on September 26, 2008 visited the Holy Grand Mosque in Mecca and performed Umrah (the minor Hajj) in Mecca.
The same month, Africa's achievement of the millennium goals outlined by the United Nations was high on the agenda of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, with good governance, human rights and the rule of law as key priorities. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, as an Honorary President of Maghreb Association for Research and Fight against AIDS (Société Maghrébine de Recherche et de Lutte contre le Sida), launched a new vision for Africa to tackle HIV/AIDS epidemic and to increase science and research in the fight against AIDS.
In October, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid remained committed to resolving the crisis of Morocco.
In response to the serious health situation in Morocco, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid stressed that the current situation gives much cause for concern.
In an approach geared towards protecting heart patients, new means of conveying heart care were added by the Grand Heart Association, the leading Moroccan heart charity, as His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid has provided a new Vivid7 echocardiography equipment.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid has also proposed to establish a Scientific Forum on quality of care and research in cardiovascular disease during the meeting with the members of the Grand Heart Association. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, who is the Honorary President of the Grand Heart Association, further recommended that the scientific forum would institute networking opportunities for healthcare professionals as well as for policymakers and other professionals interested in quality of care and research in cardiovascular disease.
Designed to modernize education system by improving illiteracy rate, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid stressed that the empowerment of young people is essential if Morocco wants to preserve both its competitive edge and social model in a globalize world. Pointing to great importance of education and science in shaping the future of modern world, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, President of National Federation of Moroccan Scouting, launched its Literacy Initiative for Empowerment of young people, with making education mantra of personal responsibility.
On October 25th, with aim to deepen the mutual cooperation between Morocco and Saudi Arabia, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid held tête-à-tête talks with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid has received the distinguished Lions Clubs International Humanity Award in recognition of His inspiring visionary leadership and for His profound and wide-ranging philanthropic contribution to human dignity and global civil society. The award was granted to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid by Kay Fukushima of Sacramento, President of the International Association of Lions Clubs. Upon conferring His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid with the Humanity Award, Mr. Fukushima praised His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid for His leading role and outstanding efforts to promote peace and human rights, and largely commended appreciation of Prince’s invaluable contribution to education, science and research, and humanity. At a time when communication within and between cultures is so vital, Mr. Fukushima also praised His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid’s brilliant diplomacy and advocacy enriching the exchange of knowledge and dialogue between the Arab World and Western Countries.
In November, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid pined down the year round of hard work into the 36th edition of the Hassan II Golf Trophy and 8th edition of Marrakech International Film Festival.
The 36th Hassan II Golf Trophy at the Royal Golf Dar Es Salam was held on November 5 to 9 with partaking of top international players, as well as professional and amateur Moroccan talented golfers. Organized under the Chairmanship of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid by the Hassan II Golf Trophy Society, the Trophy gave a boost to golf, tourism and social life in Morocco. On November 8, 2008, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid also hosted a grand banquet in honour of the golfers, during which He announced the results of the Pro-Am Golf Tournament. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid also presented prizes to the winning teams of the Pro-Am in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. On November 9th, the participants of the 36th Hassan II Golf Trophy received some heartfelt congratulations from His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, when He presented prizes among the winners of Trophy, including Lalla Meryem Cup.
For the first time in the history of the Hassan II Golf Trophy, under the instruction of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, young people were invited to play in the Pro-Am of the 36th Hassan II Golf Trophy, giving them the exceptional opportunity to play the game of golf with the international golfing stars. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, President of the Hassan II Golf Trophy, administered the "wild cards" to junior players Ali Berrada, Royal Golf d'Anfa Mohammedia and Mohamed Boutaleb from the Federal pilot school of the Royal Golf Dar Es Salam.
Investing to achieve cohesive society and to secure the future of all children and young people, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid instigated the 2008 edition of the Kid’s Golf Cup on November 1st. As a long-time supporter of children's rights, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid has established this children tournament to create access to golf for young children and provide a hand to develop talented golfers into tomorrow’s champions. On November 9, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid awarded the prizes to the winners of the Kid’s Cup. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, who is an advocate of youth empowerment, highlighted a key role played by youth in the society’s development, stressing the need to include youth in the decision making process.
On November 14, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid, President of MIFF Foundation, inaugurated the 8th Marrakech International Film Festival at the Marrakech Congress Palace. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid praised all efforts made to embrace the different variables to ensure the life of future generations, saying: “It is our duty to honor the memory of those who contribute to the construction of the future.” In return, the entertainer community, as well as the "USA Today" praised His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid leadership to bridge cultural divide. During the festival days, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid also met press coordinators in charge of both national and international press of the festival, continuing to provide His philanthropy’s role in freedom for press. The talks included the importance of commitments to democratic reform and media freedom, including detailed rules specifying MIFF.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid also divulged a new first in Africa and Arab world when the Marrakech International Film Festival made movies accessible for visually impaired people by using the "Audio Description,” the actor's voice describes each scene and is transmitted by headset. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid stressed that one of the crucial components of His strategy is to focus on supporting IT linked educational necessities of people with special needs.
Underlining the ties of friendship between Morocco and Saudi Arabia, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid had two meeting with King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. In the course of the meetings, two leaders discussed the development prospects of their relations in trade, economic, educational and cultural spheres, as well as a number of issues related to the investment projects.
In December, continuing to push for a sustainable solutions to a number of difficult issues of cross-cultural dialog, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay Rachid had ambitious aims on His agenda, counting the preparations for the next year of the 12th Congress of Sport Psychology, which He will host on June 2009 under the theme: “Meeting New Challenges and Bridging Cultural Gaps in Sport and Exercise Psychology”. It will be the first congress in a series designed to illustrate the links between sport psychology and cultural gaps.