This Web Site is dedicated to the Most Important Leader on the Universe. His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid of Morocco embodies the new amalgamation of modernity and tradition. Highly educated, multilingual, intelligent royal leads the way in solving global plight and his clear thinking approach outlines quality of his vision.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid visits tomb of his grandfather

Monday, September 24, 2007
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid is spreading spirit of youth empowerment

During a very cheering meeting with some of the young girls, His Royal Highness reiterated his hope for tomorrow's children, whether in urban or rural areas of the Kingdom, no longer deprived of the fundamental human rights, liberty and dignity to which every child is entitled.
Guided by local members of the facility, His Royal Highness toured the facility and was briefed on some of the key projects and innovative programs that will be run by the center.
His Royal Highness stressed the need for support of young girls in rural areas aimed at improving access to education to develop their confidence, communication skills and other vocational and social skills. The Prince also noted the benefits of such projects can positively influence decision-making support for girls, tutor them to be familiar with the rights and responsibilities and develop positive attitudes of society and family toward educating girls.
While visiting the northern part of Morocco, His Royal Highness witnessed firsthand the challenges and circumstances faced by the Kingdom's youngest society. The Prince was acquainted with the requirements and concerns of the surrounding rural community, in particular, difficulties and the harsh reality of living in poverty.
In encouraging the empowerment of youth, His Royal Highness pushes the government to give special attention to young generation, to maximize outcomes for children and to help provide them with the life skills and knowledge they need to have healthy lives and a better future.
His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid is a renowned advocate for children and youth through his active role in the national and global drive to protect and promote the children’s rights. His Royal Highness's leadership in increasing awareness to empower young generations and his tireless work to recognize and meet new challenges are inspirational.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid raises public awareness about Ramadan
Muslims around the world recognize Ramadan as the month in which the Qur'an was discovered. Ramadan is divided into three 10-day weeks. The 10-day segments are known as "Rahmah," which means mercy of God; "Maghfirah," or forgiveness of God; and "Najah," which means salvation.
Observers of the month emphasize charity, self-discipline and a renewed commitment to Islam and the Qu'ran.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid’s glorious generosity brings sunshine to children

Karembeu, who is guest of His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, came to Morocco to help the Prince to inspire young generations as he supervised a soccer training session in Casablanca.
During the press conference in Casablanca, the French soccer star praised and paid homage to His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid - one of the world's powerful voices for empowerment of young people.
His Royal Highness' commitment to work throughout the region and on the world stage to empower children and youth and to present them with the opportunity to interactively learn more is being envision as the catalyst to unify and strengthen young generations.
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid continues to mark the Muslim religious observance of Ramadan
With this occasion, His Royal Highness underlined the need of the event like this to design to enhance understanding of Islam and cooperation with the Muslim countries and the world at large.
Ramadan, the month long devotion that includes fasting and acts of goodwill, began last week on Friday for Muslims in Islamic Kingdom of Morocco.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid voices support for Emaar’s efforts

During the meeting with Mohamed Juma Buamaim, vice-chairman and CEO of 'golf in DUBAI', His Royal Highness underlined the importance of cooperation among Arab countries and stressed the significance of cooperation of the Hassan II Golf Trophy with Emaar, one of the key partners of 'golf in DUBAI'.
Concerning the aims and means of such a partnership, His Royal Highness explained: "We welcome Emaar's initiative in our country. Their backing of the event is fitting for a company which has already established its credentials while investing in Morocco."
His Royal Highness went on to note: "Morocco has deep feelings of respect and regard for the people of the UAE. And I am confident that our association will provide a new impetus to the historic ties".
Throughout the past years, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid has worked on economic and social development projects, along with a number of projects he continues to improve the business infrastructure in favor of attracting investments and expansion of business enterprises.
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid marks the Muslim holy month of Ramadan

The lecture was delivered by regular minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs Ahmed Toufiq themed "Great work in spirituality".
The lecture was also broadcasted live via the radio and TV.
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid hosted the World championship of Universal Trench

The 4-day championship organized under His Royal Highness direct authority and the Royal Moroccan Federation for Hunting Shotgun Shooting, grouped numerous international sportswomen and men, coming from Germany, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Great Britain, South Africa, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Maghreb countries and Middle East.
Under the high royal chairmanship of His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, the World Championship of Universal Trench aims to improve communications and fraternal ties among worldwide sportswomen and men, with the commitment to the sustainable development and focus on continuing progress of a fully economic, sport and cultural environments that benefit all present and future inhabitants of the entire Tangier region.
His Royal Highness once again brought the world’s finest to Morocco to participate in this prestigious event and enjoy an historic and rich mixture of cultures, different playing styles and also an international flavour with a warm Moroccan welcome and great hospitality assured for all participating members.
The Universal Trench is also referred to as Five Trap. Five traps are installed in a trench in front of the shooting stands, all set at different angles, elevations and speeds, and upon the call of 'Pull' by the shooter any one of the five machines, selected at random, will be released. Horizontal angles can vary from 0 degrees to 45 degrees either side of the centre line and target distance is between 60 and 70 metres. Elevation can vary, as in other trap disciplines between 1.5 and 3.5 metres above ground level.
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid celebrates start of Ramadan

Moroccan state television reported that Ramadan had officially started on Friday in the Islamic Kingdom of Morocco.
Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, marks the time 1,400 years ago when Muslims believe the words of Islam's holy book, the Koran, were revealed to the Prophet Mohammed.
During Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sundown abstaining from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual relations. The fast is broken at sundown each day with a feast called "iftaar."
We felicitate His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid on the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan and we send our sincere good wishes and express our admiration for His Royal Highness' dedication and commitment to the cause of peace, democracy and prosperity of people.
Monday, September 17, 2007
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid is making the world a better place for children

Rabat – Morocco, September 12, 2007 – As a part of continuing advocacy of His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid’s global initiative that provides empowerment of young people, the Prince recognizes the need to include young scouts in operation “Holidays for all”.
“Holidays for all”, the governmental sponsored program for children from unprivileged families, is initiative that provides youth with the opportunity to gain necessary skills to address contemporary issues and challenges facing the nations and to appreciate the cultural interaction.
Since the start of this project, His Royal Highness has became an active patron and strong supporter of this project, and has concerted his efforts to improve the lives of unprivileged children, their condition and status in accordance with international conventions on the rights of the child.
With this agenda, His Royal Highness took personal charge in the expansion of enrollment representative cohort of scouts from socially unprivileged environment. This year, it is estimated that 78% of the urban and 22% of the rural young population are recipients of the program. As a direct result of His Royal Highness' presence in the project some of 1400 recipients are girl-scouts.
Morocco's enormously popular Prince Moulay Rachid, who serves as the President of Moroccan National Federation of Scouting since 1997, explores channels of strengthening the fields of education and science, enhances youth empowerment initiatives and highlights investment opportunities to cross-cultural dialogue.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid confers with President of Congo-Brazzaville

The royal prince was in great spirit and in political form during the course of the meeting with delegations from Congo-Brazzaville also known as Republic of the Congo.
The talks focused on interests of the two states in developing bilateral relations for the benefit of the higher interests of the African nation.
His Royal Highness expressed his keenness to improve relations between the two countries to achieve their common interests and interests of citizens and to enhance the action and efforts to unite the African stand.
The royal prince plays a key role in maintaining diplomatic relations as he networks with leaders from all over the world in his capacity as Heir to the throne of Morocco.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Care for children

Sunday, September 9, 2007
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid presides over meeting of the Board of Directors
Marrakech, September 2, 2007 – On the morning of Sunday, September 2nd, 2007, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, President of Marrakech International Film Festival Foundation, chaired meeting of the board of directors of Marrakech International Film Festival Foundation.
During this meeting highlights of this year festival were discussed, in addition to dealing with the foundation’s activities in past years and future efforts.
The foundation issued a statement in which it asserted that the 7th annual Marrakech International Film Festival is due to start on December 7 through 15, 2007.
Additionally, official statement of foundation indicated that festival’s new web site will be launched from September 10, accessible on the address: www.festivalmarrakech.info.
Thanks to His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid’s graceful efforts along with his strategic directions, this festival takes place simultaneously in city of Marrakech and stays at the forefront of industry developments.
His Royal Highness is longing to bring the best cinematic selections from around the world to heart of Morocco – city of Marrakech - for audiences to enjoy, as well as to showcase Moroccan and international talents.
In the same way, His Royal Highness seeks to promote inter-cultural dialogue with the purpose of intensifying our understanding of the others with spotlight on key programs build on progresses made in the recognition of cultural diversity for the sustainable development of nations and societies.
Since its debut in 2001, the Marrakech International Film Festival has become a world-class event, often considered the next most important film festival after Cannes.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
HRH Prince Moulay Rachid reaffirms common values and strong bonds with the UAE

Dressed in pastel grey suit and accessorizing with one of his trademark pinky rings, Prince Moulay Rachid looked the picture of elegance and grace when he strolled the red carpet in Rabat on Monday.
Subsequently, charismatic Prince Moulay Rachid and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi discussed the bilateral relations in addition to the issues of common concern.
The Prince has played and continues to play a significant part in the success of the diplomatic relations between Morocco and UAE. It is worth to recall that in 1998, His Royal Highness together with his father HM King Hassan II and the UAE’s Sheikh Zayed presided over the signing historical agreement on the creation of Joint Committee Morocco - UAE.
His Royal Highness has a long and rich history working in diplomatic field and has made unique contribution in establishing strong diplomatic relations with foreign countries.
Blog Archive
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid visits tomb of his grandf...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid is spreading spirit of yo...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid raises public awareness a...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid’s glorious generosity bri...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid continues to mark the Mus...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid voices support for Emaar’...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid marks the Muslim holy mon...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid hosted the World champion...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid celebrates start of Ramadan
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid is making the world a bet...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid confers with President of...
- Care for children
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid presides over meeting of ...
- HRH Prince Moulay Rachid reaffirms common values a...